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William Labov The Social Stratification of English in New York City
Автор: William Labov
Название: The Social Stratification of English in New York City
Категория: английский язык
Тип издания: монография
Серия: -
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Переплет: электронная книга
Год: 2006
Кол-во страниц: 485
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 2 mb
OCR: есть
Аннотация книги William Labov The Social Stratification of English in New York City
Оглавление книги William Labov The Social Stratification of English in New York City
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William Labov. The Social Stratification of English in New York City. - Second edition. - Oxford University Press, 2006. - 485 p. Электронная книга. Германские языки. Англистика. Английский язык
Аннотация (описание)
One of the first accounts of social variation in language, this groundbreaking study founded the discipline of sociolinguistics, providing the model on which thousands of studies have been based. In this second edition, Labov looks back on forty years of sociolinguistic research, bringing the reader up to date on its methods, findings, and achievements. In over forty pages of new material, he explores the unforeseen implications of his earlier work, addresses the political issues involved, and evaluates the success of newer approaches to sociolinguistic investigation. In doing so, he reveals the outstanding accomplishments of sociolinguistics since his original study, which laid the foundations for studying language variation, introduced the crucial concept of the linguistic variable, and showed how variation across age groups is an indicator of language change. Bringing Labov’s pioneering study into the twenty-first century, this classic volume will remain the benchmark in the field for years to come.
Содержание (оглавление)
Introductory note
Preface to the ?rst edition
Preface to the second edition: forty years later
I Problems and methods of analysis
1 The study of language in its social context
2 First approach to the structure of New York City English
3 The social strati?cation of (r) in New York City
department stores
4 The isolation of contextual styles
5 The linguistic interview
6 The survey of the Lower East Side
II Social dierentiation
7 Class dierentiation of the variables
8 Further analysis of the variables
9 Distribution of the variables in apparent time
10 Other linguistic variables
III Social evaluation
11 Subjective evaluation of the variables
12 Self-evaluation and linguistic security
13 General attitudes towards the speech of New York City
IV Synthesis
14 The structure of the New York City vowel system
15 1966–2006
Glossary of linguistic symbols and terminology
Appendix A Questionnaire for the ALS survey
Appendix B Anonymous observations of casual speech
Appendix C Analysis of losses through moving of the
MFY sample population
Appendix D Analysis of the non-respondents: the
television interview
Appendix E The out-of-town speakers
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